BGMEA Membership Requirment

BGMEA Membership Requirment


No. of Toilet  (Floor Wise)
(01 toilet/25 persons)
Male:              Female:          Total:
Stair Cases with width  (Min. 45” width, inside to inside )
1)                    2)
Fire Evacuation Plan/No Smoking/Fire Service Number Displayed
Yes                  No
Floor Marking ( at least 36” & blockage free)
Yes                  No
Fire Extinguisher
(2 nos/1000 sft and  4-5 extinguishers should be  outside of the entrance)
Fire Fighting Equipments
Fire Alarm/ Gong Bell/ Smock Detector / Gas Mask (at least 3 pairs)/Fire Bitter /Fire Dress/Hand Gloves (at least 6 pairs)/Helmet/Fire Boot/ Lock Cutter(48”)/Fire Hook/ Manilla Rope(2” dia & 200 feet)) / 4 Fire Buckets with stand/ Water Drum/Fire blanket/Torch Light/ PA System /Battery Operated Mega Phone/Stretcher etc.

Electrical Main Switch is located at outside of the factory
Yes                            No
02 Fire Hose Reels with standby pump (100 feet/10,000 sft)

Yes                            No
Dedicated Water Reservoir available (2 thousand gallon for each floor on rooftop and 20 thousand gallon underground)
Yes                     No
Fire Drill conducted
Yes                      No
Fire Fighting Team (at least 18%)
Yes                      No
Emergency Light provided in floor
Yes                      No
Emergency Light provided in staircases
Yes                      No
Electrical Installation found in Bonded Area?
(N.B. There should not be any electrical installation in bonded warehouse)
Yes                      No

Electrial Wire are concealed in the wall
Yes                      No
Pure Drinking Water Provided
Yes                       No
Child Care Room & Doctors’ Room
Provided                   Not Provided
Lunch Room/Dining Space
Provided                   Not Provided
Exhaust Fan
Sufficient                   Not Sufficient
First Aid Box with sufficient medicine
Yes                               No
Boiler Setting (with boundary)
Properly                    Not Properly
Minimum Wages & OT are paid as per Labor Laws
Yes                             No
Tin Shade atop the factory roof
(N.B.There must not be any tin shade on factory roof)
Yes                             No
Generator found in the upper floor
Yes                                    No
BGMEA Service Book Available?
Yes                             No

Requirement for BGMEA's Regular Membership

N.B.    All documents should be submitted in 02 sets, attested by Managing Director of the factory and Lien Bank.

Application in Letter head pad for BGMEA Regular Membership
Withdrawal of undertaking (if any).
Workers Group Insurance.
Bond Licence.
BGMEA Provisional Certificate.
Bill of Entry of Machinery.
TIN Certificate.
VAT Certificate.
Updated Fire Licence.
EPB Licence.
Factory Licence.
Approved Factory Layout Plan.
Documents as per undertaking (if any).
Implementation of compliance requirement.

Requirements for BGMEA Provisional Membership

Enclose: -  1.   D.D.: Tk.40, 500(for 80 to 100 m/c)/ Tk. 42,500 (for 101-200 m/c)/Tk. 47,500 (for over 200 m/c) in favor of "BGMEA Dhaka" (From any bank)
                 2. Duly Filled up BGMEA Application Form & an Application in letter head pad for Provisional Membership
                 3.     List of Specimen Signature,  National ID Card  & Photo (2 copies each) of all Shareholders/Directors attested by Lien Bank.
                 4.     Registration from Board of Investment/Textiles Dept. –BOI (Full set)/Textile Dept./BEPZA Permission in case of EPZ
                 5.     Commercial Invoice(s), L/C & Bill of Entry of Machinery Imported
                  6.   VAT Challan in case of locally procured Machineries along with Bill of Entry & LC Copy of the importer                                                                                                   
                 7.     Memorandum & Articles of Association (Sealed & Signed copy) along with Incorporation Certificate (if limited)/ Partnership Deed (In case of Partnership)/TIN Certificate (in case of Proprietorship)/ Form- 12 & 117 of Joint Stock Company & Amended copy of Board of Investment  in case of Share Transfer.
                      8.       i) NoC from Customs Bond Commissionerate, if there was another bonded factory in the same venue &   ii)  NoC from the owner of the previous factory
                 9.     i) Trade License ii) Fire License  iii) Soil Test Report iv) TIN Certificate
                 10.   Deed of Rent Agreement / Purchase Deed/Lease Agreement in case of EPZ     
                 11.   Factory lay-out Plan (Approval from Dept. of Inspection of Factories & Establishment)/Factory License
                 12.   i)Declaration of Two Stairs & ii) An Undertaking regarding Free from Child Labor                  iii) Undertaking regarding  Factory Roof Top without Tin Shade
                 13.   Approved building Plan from CDA/BSIC/Cantonment Board/Respective Authorities/BEPZA/ Letter of Permission/BEPZA Approval Letter of Architectural Drawings   (Factory must be in the Industrial/Commercial Building)
                 14. Structural Design/Drawings done by an Engineer having IEB (Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh) Professional Membership. (All pages of photocopy must duly be signed by Structural Engineer)
                 15. Certificate regarding Structural Design by IEB/Certified Company Registered Engineer to the effect that the building has been constructed as per design and specifications.
                 16. TK. 10,000 as donation for BGMEA School, Chittagong deposited toBGMEA School Account No: 06913100001451, Any Branch of EXIM Bank Ltd., Chittagong.

1) All copies should be submitted in (02) Two sets, duly attested by the Lien Bank & Managing Director of the Factory
2) The file shall not be processed in case of any shortage of the documents

Requirements for BGMEA Associate Membership(Buying House)

01.       Demand Draft of BDT. 40,000 in favor of “BGMEA, Dhaka” from any schedule Bank.

02.      Duly filled up BGMEA Application Form & an Application in letter head pad for     BGMEA Associate Membership.

03.       Photograph of all Share holders / Partners / Proprietors (04 copies each and attested by lien bank)

04.      National ID card & Specimen Signature of all Shareholders / Partners / Proprietors (attested by Lien Bank)

05.       Photocopy of Passport (If available)

06.       Photocopy of Trade License.

07.       Photocopy of TIN Certificate.

08.       Photocopy of Memorandum of Articles of Association / partnership deed as applicable.

09.       Bangladesh Bank Clearance (if available)

10.       Work permit from Ministry of Industries for the Liaison office having 100% foreign investment.

11.       Deed of Office rent agreement / Purchase Deed.

12.       List of Employee (SL – Name – Designation)

13.       BDT. 10,000/- Deposit to BGMEA School Account, A/C No: 06913100001451, Any Branch of EXIM Bank Ltd., Chittagong as donation for BGMEA School, Chittagong.


1)     All copies should be submitted in 02 (two) sets, duly attested by Lien Bank
2)     A separate and full fledged official set-up is a prerequisite for being eligible for BGMEA Associate Membership 

Requirements for Extension Purpose

1)      Factory layout plan / Approval from CDA/BSIC/ Respective Authority
2)      Structural Design
3)      Approval from Board of Investment –BoI for extension
4)      Deed of Rent Agreement
5)      Updated Fire License
6)      BGMEA Membership Certificate

Requirements of Docs for Shifting of Factory

1)     BGMEA membership renewal fees (If required)

2)     (a) Factory layout plan (approved by Dept. of Inspection of Factories & Establishment). (New address)
      (b) Factory License. (New address)

3)     (a) Approval of the factory building plan from CDA/BSIC/Cantonment Board/Respective Authority. (New address)
     (b) Letter of Permission

4)      Structural Design/Drawings done by IEB registered engineer (New address)

5)     Certificate regarding structural design by the IEB registered engineer

6)     Amendment copy from the Board of Investment for the shifting of the factory (New address)

7)     Amended list of new shareholders (if any) with 02 copies of photographs and relevant documents (Form 12 & 117) and Memorandum & Article of Association along with Incorporation Certificate

8)     (a) Updated Fire License (b) Trade License (c) ERC & IRC (d) TIN & VAT certificate (New address)

9)     BGMEA Membership Certificate

10) Deed of Rent Agreement / Purchase Deed of new venue

      Requirement For Bonded Warehouse

01)   ‡Kv¤úvbxi †cÖvdvBj|
02)   ‡g‡gv‡iÛvg GÛ AvwU©‡Kj Ae G‡mvwm‡qkb I mvwU©wd‡KU Ae BbK‡cv©‡ikb|
03)  cÖ¯—vweZ ¯’v‡b c~‡e© †Kvb eÊ cÖwZôvb ¯’vwcZ wQj bv g‡g© †NvlYvcÎ|
04)   wj‡qb e¨vsK KZ…©K eÊv‡ii bgybv ¯^v¶‡ii mZ¨vwqZ Kwc|
05)  wkï kªwgK wb‡qvM Kiv n‡e bv g‡g© †NvlYv cÎ|
06)   Kv÷g msµvš— KvMRcÎ I `wjjvw`‡Z ¯^v¶i cÖ`v‡b  g‡bvwbZ e¨w³i bgybv ¯^v¶i|
07) cwiPvjK gÛjx Ab¨ †Kvb cÖwZôv‡bimv‡_ RwoZ _vKv ev bv _vKv GB g‡g© †Nvlbv cÎ|
08)   mKj cwiPvjK I †kqvi †nvìviM‡bi AvBwU 10we m¤ú©wKZ A½xKvibvgv (150/- UvKvi ÷¨v‡¤ú)|
09)   cwiPvjK gÛjxi RvZxqZv mb`cÎ|
10)   wewRGgBGÕi m`m¨ c‡`i mvgwqK mb`cÎ|
11)   1,000/- UvKvi bb-Rywowkqvj ÷¨v‡¤ú ‡Rbv‡ij eÛ|
12)   KviLvbvi mvBU †j-AvDU c­vb|
13)   wewb‡qvM †ev‡W©i wbeÜb cÎ I mycvwik cÎ|
14)   g~j¨ ms‡hvRb Ki wbeÜbcÎ|
15)   AvqKi mb`cÎ|
16)   dvqvi mvwf©m jvB‡mÝ|
17)   †UªW jvB‡mÝ|
18)   AvB Avi wm|
19)   B Avi wm|
20)   e¨vsK Gi Avw_©K m”QjZv mb` cÎ|
21)  †P¤^vi Ae Kgvm© GÛ BÛvwóªÕi m`m¨ mb` |
22)   we`y¨r ms‡hv‡Mi cÖvgvb¨ `wjj|
23)   3,000/= UvKvi wU,Avi, Pvjvb|
24)   wmwKDwiwU eÛ UvKv-500/-|
25)   Avg`vbxK„Z †gwkbvixR Gi `wjjcÎ|
26)   mKj cwiPvj‡Ki bgybv ¯^v¶i|
27)   eÊ jvB‡mÝ msµvš— †Kv¤úvbxi †evW© wgwUs-Gi †iRywjDkb Kwc|
28)   e¨vsK ó¨vU‡g›U|
29)   evox fvovi Pzw³bvgvi Kwc|
30)   cÖ¯—vweZ ¯’vb †Q‡o hvIqvi 01 (GK) gvm c~‡e© AewnZ Ki‡eb g‡g© †hŠ_ †NvlbvcÎ|
31)   ißvbx msµvš— †NvlbvcÎ (150/- UvKvi bb-Rywowkqvj ÷¨v‡¤ú)|
32)   wj‡qb e¨vsK cwieZ©b, KviLvbv ¯’vbvš—i, gvwjKvbv cwieZ©b, †kqvi n¯—vš—i msµvš— †NvlYvcÎ|
33)  Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi ZvwjKv|
34)   Drcv`b m¤úwK©Z †NvlbvcÎ|
35)  wbav©wiZ di‡g Av‡e`bcÎ|
36)   KviLvbvi mb` cÎ|


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