Function of BERC in Bangladesh

(BERC)বিইআরসি'র কার্যাবলী

  • Issue, cancel, amend and determine conditions of licenses, exemption of licenses and determine the conditions to be followed by such exempted persons.

  • Help ensure efficient use, quality services, determine tariff and safety enhancement of electricity generation and transmission, marketing, supply, storage and distribution of energy.
  • Approve schemes on the basis of overall program of the licensee and take decision taking into consideration the load forecast and financial status
  • Extend co-operation and advice to the Government, if necessary, regarding electricity generation, transmission, marketing, supply, distribution and storage of energy.
  • Encourage to create a congenial atmosphere to promote competition amonngst the licensees.
  • Ensure control of environmental standard of energy under existing laws.
  • Ensure approprite remedy for consumer disputes, dishonest business practices or monopoly.
  • Resolve disputes between licensees and between licensees and consumers, and refer to arbitration if necessary.
  • Develop uniform methodology of accounting for all licensees to help ensure performance rating on a fair platform.
  • Collect, review, maintain & publish statistics of energy.
  • Frame codes and standards and make enforcement of those compulsory to ensure quality of services.
  • Determine efficiency and standard of the machinery & appliances using energy and ensure through energy audit the verification, monitoring, analysis of the energy data and economic use and enhancement of efficiency on use of energy.
  • Perform any incidental functions if considered appropriate by the Commission for fulfilling objectives of the Act. 

Info Source BERC

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